Monday, June 28, 2010

A few final thoughts

This post is very long overdue, and I'm sorry I've been away for so long. Life has gotten busier and busier, as it tends to do, and with everything going on, I have decided to take an indefinite leave of absense from my couponing blog. I still love to coupon, but find I don't have the time to sit down and blog about all the deals. I feel my time is better spent at this point being the best wife and mother that I can be. I hope you all understand.

As I've mentioned before, if you need grocery deals in the area, I highly recommend using GrocerySmarts. In addition to this, you might enjoy Money Saving Mom for other deals and freebies.

For those of you that know me on facebook, I will try to leave brief messages here and there if a great deal comes along. I hope that will help. Good luck to all of you with your adventures in saving money.

I do want to leave you with one last thought--a quote I read on a friend's blog that I love and hope you will too:

Learn to live with less. Learn to shun envy. Appreciate what you have. If you have less, you will appreciate what you have more.


  1. Hi CM

    As I was searching for blogs baout couponing in Las Vegas I found yours. There is a new website the I have started using (much nicer than GrocerySmarts) They give you the best deals for all of the weekly circulars...every week. Combined with my couponing I have saved an additional $30 per week.

    Check it out.

    No credit crad required to sign up - 90- days free if you like them on FB!

  2. Hello Robyn,

    We agree, Family comes first.
    That's why we started our own Blog as well entitled:
    We found an ingenious way to stop from having to cut coupons and search everywhere for them.
    So stop on by and say "hello"
    Chris & Mary Ann Bird

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